Dear People of God in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese,
As we prepare for the celebration of our Lord’s Incarnation, I find myself especially focused on God’s willingness to dwell among us (John 1:14).
As most of you know, Jody and I have sold our home here in Gainesville and are in the process of moving to Tallahassee. A dwelling place is important and leaving one house for another brings great awareness of the importance of place. Gainesville has been a blessing to our family and we give thanks for being received here twenty years ago. We are certain Tallahassee will also be a wonderful place to dwell and look forward to what God has ahead.
When I have felt unsettled during this process of selling our home and moving, the Lord has reminded me of His willingness in Christ Jesus to make his home among us. The Angel chorus makes clear that God is glorified in bringing peace to the earth through his dwelling with us. The Lord’s incarnation dignifies our humanity and through his flesh makes our salvation possible.
Our response to this good news of great joy should be a desire to make more room for Jesus in our lives. This has surely been the theme of Advent. Remember, the shepherds leave their fields to seek the Christ Child. But in the process, those lowly shepherds become like Angels heralding the greatest news ever shared. Together you and I can join in proclaiming Christ Jesus to a world desperate for His Good News.
As the year comes to a close, I am thankful for how you have received me as your new Bishop and your commitment to working together. I am also greatly encouraged by the work of ministry being done in our congregations across the Diocese. It is a joy for Jody and I to get to know you more and more. May God be close to each of you through the holidays and strengthen you for our mutual ministry ahead.
Photo credit: K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash