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Much of the afternoon was spent discussing the challenges faced by the Anglican Communion today, and our hope for the future. In the session prior to dinner, the priests, deacons, and laity present broke out into small groups to articulate what we wanted to say. Your diocesan delegation crafted the following statement, which will be forwarded as input to the team drafting the statement to be released at the Conference’s end.
Our hope for the Anglican Communion is
- A growing global fellowship of mutually accountable followers of Jesus under the authority of Scripture who spread the gospel of Jesus
- That we would live together within good and godly synodical structures with provisions for discipline for provinces and dioceses that fail to uphold orthodoxy
- That we would be known for what we are for, rather than what we are against
We were able to provide input on the overall structure of the statement as well, but we were asked not to share the specific wording we have seen to this point. The statement is not complete, and the verbiage that does exist is only draft language.