From October 17–19, the Gulf Atlantic Diocese came together in Tallahassee, FL, for our annual Clergy Conference and Synod. Canon Herb Bailey taught and facilitated sessions with the clergy on Relational Evangelism on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Clergy Conference ended with clergy praying together about next steps and the not-yet-believing people God had placed on their hearts. Seven Diocesan Networks met Friday afternoon. Delegates and other participants gathered for a reception and dinner at the Cathedral that evening, and then participated in a festive Opening Eucharist. Saturday, Bishop Alex and other leaders gave reports on the State of the Diocese, presented next year’s budget, and helped church delegations develop action-oriented Evangelism plans for their ministry contexts. Twelve people were elected to Diocesan Leadership roles. Continue reading below for a look at how the Lord was with us!
Hurricane Relief
A few weeks prior to Synod, the Anglican Relief and Development Fund issued a call for Hurricane Relief Buckets. Churches were encouraged to fill 5-gallon buckets with health, cleaning, or baby care supplies to be delivered to regions devastated by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, and then bring them to the Cathedral as we gathered for Synod. As delegates began arriving on Thursday, October 17, it was clear that the Diocese had answered the call! Over 200 buckets were dropped off over the course of the weekend. The first batch is destined for Taylor County, FL—about an hour from Tallahassee. Thank you to everyone who donated and transported these items!

Opening Worship

I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.
—1 Corinthians 9:22b-23
By God’s providence, the opening night of Synod fell on the Feast of St. Luke, Evangelist, and the mission-themed service was a Spirit-filled bridge between Clergy Conference’s training on Relational Evangelism and Synod’s sessions on developing practical Evangelism plans for our churches. Four of our newest deacons served in various roles Friday evening (and two more co-led Morning Prayer on Saturday). Bishop Alex preached on the importance of evangelistic mission, urging believers to lay down their rights and identify with others to effectively share the gospel, inspired by St. Paul’s example in 1 Corinthians 9. You can listen to that powerful sermon here, or watch the entire service on Youtube:
At the conclusion of worship, the Bishop, on behalf of the Diocese, honored Page and Craig Curry for their long service to our youth through Camp Araminta. Page was instrumental in its founding, and both of them have been key to its continuing impact on our youth.

Following Morning Prayer and the opening business matters, we heard reports on the State of the Diocese. Bishop Alex recapped our progress as a diocese toward a vision of “Fifty Flourishing” and celebrated the increased generosity of our churches toward our common Ministry Budget. Archdeacon Jessica Jones highlighted our strong progress on the goals of the Strategic Plan. She also pointed out the continual need to look around for those God may be calling into vocational ministry; there is a particular pressing need for more deacons in our Diocese in addition to the longterm need for priests to replace the number who will retire over the next five years.
Canon Christopher Jones shared stories of diocesan Next Generation ministries transforming the lives of students, and how those ministries are having to be multiplied to accommodate the rising number of participants. Canon Bill Krizner testified to how a revamped process relating to the bishop’s visitations to parishes has helped churches build relationships across the Diocese and locate needed resources. Fr. Lenny Konschewitz told stories of our church plants reaching new people and new kinds of people. Our Executive Administrator, Mr. Chris McCarthy, revealed that nine Diocesan Networks (a key initiative in our 5-year Strategic Plan) are actively meeting and even more will be brought online next year.
You can read more detailed reports on these ministries, and more, in this year’s Synod Guide.
Staff Updates
Bishop Alex announced that Fr. Keith Allen will step aside from his role as Canon for Global Mission in order to focus on his ministry as rector of Christ Church Vero Beach and the major expansion of their parochial school. He will remain involved with New Wineskins, the Anglican Global Mission Partners, and other provincial missionary movements, and retains his role as Provincial Canon for Myanmar. Canon Bill Krizner will assume responsibility for Global Missions within our diocese for the time being. Bishop Alex also designated Fr. Sam Horowitz as Canon for Communications.
Election Results
On Saturday, October 19, the following people were elected to Diocesan Leadership positions. Their terms will begin January 1, 2025. Standing Committee and Diocesan Council members may be invited to end-of-year meetings to help orient the new members.
Standing Committee (four years, through 2028): Mr. Pete Rosten (Church of the Apostles, Eastern Shore, AL) and the Rev. Brook Batchelor (All Souls Anglican Church, Jacksonville, FL)
Diocesan Council (three years, through 2027): Mrs. Emily Hathcock (Grace Anglican Church, Fleming Island, FL) and the Rev. Dan Thompson (Church of the Apostles)
Ecclesiastical Trial Court (two years, through 2026): Mr. Lister Hubbard (Christchurch Anglican, Montgomery, AL); Mrs. Doris Cheshire (Church of the Redeemer, Anglican, Jacksonville, FL); Mr. Charlie Stambaugh (Church of Our Savior, Jacksonville Beach, FL); the Very Rev. Marcus Kaiser (St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral, Tallahassee, FL); the Rev. Dr. Jeff Trostle (St. Peter’s Anglican Cathedral); the Rev. Ben Jefferies (The Good Shepherd Anglican Church, Opelika, AL); and the Rev. Curtis Froisland (Grace Anglican Church)
Secretary of Synod (two years, through 2026): Mrs. Beth Kirby (Servants of Christ Anglican Church, Gainesville, FL)

Relational Evangelism
Churches spent the two hours before lunch building on the teaching Canon Herb Bailey gave to clergy at the preceding Clergy Conference. Trained facilitators led representatives from each church through a series of activities. Using prompts derived from five key points, the churches developed evangelism plans including specific actions steps to be taken within thirty days of Synod. Missional Evangelism is one of the six marks of flourishing, and an area where our congregations have consistently rating themselves as needing growth. We look forward to reporting over the coming months how our churches have been able to more effectively reach out to their unique communities!

On behalf of the Bishop and staff, thank you to everyone who participated in the events of Synod, and a special thank you to St. Peter’s for once again hosting a spectacular coming-together of our diocese. It is our sincere prayer that this occasion is the beginning of something special, not the culmination of our planning. We look forward to seeing what God has in store for his people here in the Gulf Atlantic Diocese in the year ahead.