Newsletter Contents
Flourishing Churches are Healthy Communities
Two Of The Most Divisive Words In Church Leadership
Healthy Communities include Intergenerational Relationships
Healthy Community Strengthens our Church Plants
Welcome Bryan Biba, Canon for Leadership!
Other Announcements & Upcoming Events
More from Archdeacon Jessica Jones
We Are All Called: Jesus’ Final Commandment
Shepherding Stewards, Stewarding Shepherds
Threshold Ministry: On the Gift of the Diaconate
Welcome Dcn. Lenny Konschewitz to the Staff
An Invitation to New Relationships

Bishop Alex has hired the Rev. Bryan Biba of Christ Church Savannah as new Canon for Leadership, to oversee our ordination process. Canon Bryan comes with a wide range of experience and a deep passion for raising leaders. I am certain you will find him to be a wise and strategic addition to our team.
Oversight of the ordination process primarily involves shepherding those who are discerning a call to ordained ministry, but he will also do important work with rectors and seminaries to help place new leaders into fellowships, curacies, internships, and open positions within our churches. Regarding this work, he writes:
I am very excited and blessed to serve Bishop Alex as the new Canon for Leadership. Archdeacon Jessica and I have identified the following priorities for the GAD ordination process in 2025:
- Simplifying and streamlining using new digital tools
- Deepening integration and collaboration between the church planting assessment and ordination preparation processes
- Growing new opportunities for internships and curacies across the Diocese
In all things, I aim to continue the good work of those who have come before me in this role. Your prayers are appreciated.
Bryan has already amazed me with his tenacity, knowledge, and vision for this work. I am positive you will find him to be a breath of fresh air, a pastoral servant leader, and a wise resource.
Raising leaders who are well equipped for ministry will strengthens all of our churches. Please continue to lift up Canon Bryan, as well as all those discerning a call, in prayer.