Easter greetings to you all! We hope that this edition of the newsletter encourages and equips you as we continue celebrating the Risen Lord Jesus Christ during this great fifty-day feast of the Resurrection. As you will read below in Bishop Alex’s article, there are two important events coming up that deserve your attention. The first is the fourth Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) in Rwanda. You can sign up here for email updates from us as the conference unfolds. The second is our own Diocesan Strategic Planning Event. Would you please continue lifting this gathering up in prayers? If you aren’t sure how to pray, you can start with the following written by Bishop Jim Hobby:
O Sovereign Lord, who has promised to lead your children by your Holy Spirit: Grant wisdom and a clear vision to those who are discerning your direction for this Diocese through the upcoming Strategic Planning Event, because we know that unless you “build the house” all our efforts will be in vain. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.
You can encourage others to sign up for our newsletter using this form. If you have questions or feedback about this month’s edition, please feel free to reach out to me by email.
In Christ,
the Rev. Dr. Samuel J. Horowitz
Communications Director ᛭ Gulf Atlantic Diocese
The Lord is Risen!

We Had A Great Easter, So Now What?

New Churches on the Rise!

Upcoming Events

- April: GAFCON IV
- May: St. Peter's Men's Retreat • Leah Slawson Ordination • NGLI's Conversation with Andy Crouch • AFM Video Meeting for Missionary Inquirers • Diocesan Strategic Planning Event • Petra Retreat • Living Without Lust Sexual Integrity Leadership Summit
- June: Trinity School for Ministry and the Robert E. Webber Center Ancient Evangelical Future Conference • Soul in the City
- July: Camp Araminta
- September: Christ Church Plano Catechism Conference
Invitation to Anglican 4th Day (A4D)