Sacred Mental Health Level 1 Retreat
The enemy has laid siege to the hearts and minds of people everywhere, leading to an unprecedented mental health crisis in our nation and in our world. This makes mental health central to the ministry and mission of God’s Church.
The Sacred Mental Health ministry is a multifaceted approach that equips God’s Church to minister effectively in the area of mental health by bringing together the science and practice of professional psychology, and the ancient practices and ethos of Christian spirituality.
The Sacred Mental Health Level One Retreat is an opportunity for you and members of your congregation to:
- Learn how God works within our brains, minds, and spirits to lead us into deeper communion with Him.
- Learn practices that can turn darkness and suffering into sacred places where we meet God and are transformed by Him.
- Do personal “soul work” to grow in your relationship with God, through a series of exercises and activities.
- Enjoy a time of rest, refreshment, and contemplation.
For more information, contact:
Fr. Craig Brown
Associate for Congregational Health
(806) 283-6523