Planting Congregations

The Gulf Atlantic Diocese recognizes that planting new churches is a core strategy for fulfilling its discerned mission. This work belongs to the Diocese as a whole, but is coordinated by the Bishop's office. A vigorous and continues approach to church planting helps us to reach more nonbelievers even as it helps to renew the whole Body of Christ in a region—even in established churches. Research bears this out: healthy church planting leads to the numerical growth of the Church as well as the renewal or reinvigoration of existing congregations.

Church-Planting Curacies

This multi-year program, including up to two residential years in an established parish, aims to raise up leaders to plant new congregations around the Gulf Atlantic Diocese. It represents a threefold partnership between the planter, the host parish, and the Diocese. Potential Church Planting Curates go through an assessment process. If the gifts and calling for church planting are discerned, candidates are connected to a host parish, and become eligible to receive funding, training, and ongoing coaching.

The Greenhouse Movement

The Society for St. Paul the Evangelist, commonly called the “Greenhouse Movement,” is a mission society in the ACNA that seeks to follow the Holy Spirit and empower laypeople for the spontaneous expansion of the Church.

Greenhouse operates under the authority of local bishops with a structure similar to many Anglican churches in the Global South, where one parish with one rector might have multiple congregations, each led by lay catechists.

What is Greenhouse?
Being Greenhouse:
Membership & Way of Life

More Information

Always Forward – a collaborative effort of the Province, Dioceses, local churches and people of the Anglican Church in North America working together for the planting of new Gospel-centered, sacramental, missional churches throughout North America.

The Always Forward Podcast – Great resource for Anglican church planters. In particular, check out the episode entitled, “Top 10 Mistakes Church Planters Make.”

Diocesan Framework for Church Planting – These “4 C’s and 7 Systems” set forth a healthy framework for church planting within a diocese

If you  have additional questions, please contact Michelle Herbst, Associate Director for Church Planting.