Reaching the Next Generation

The Gulf Atlantic Diocese values discipleship of the next generation as one of our key ministries. We recognize, however, that discipleship in a young person’s life is primarily found in the home, and secondarily in their local Christian community. Our diocesan programs and ministries strive to support parents and parish leaders in their work discipling the next generation. Three diocesan-wide programs aim to support this charge: Araminta, Dynamos, and Soul in the City. Each one supports the three points of the diocesan mission strategy. Some distinctives include:
Araminta: this camp is intended for rising 4th through 12th grade campers who are seeking to strengthen their understanding of, and relationship with, Jesus. The camp offers different levels of leadership at a variety of ages which enables multi-generational worship and discipleship. It is a powerful opportunity to see in action, and it is a ton of fun!
Dynamos: this retreat weekend is intended for high school students. Past participants of the camp, also currently in high school, lead new participants on a weekend retreat full of activities designed to show Christ’s love for each person. Being a participant is a meaningful experience, and being on team is an incredible opportunity for ministering to other students.
Soul in the City: this week-long mission trip is integral to developing an outward-focus for missional discipleship. Rising 7th through 12th grade students camp at a church, then spend their days on mission at a local place of need, offering a variety of ways to minister directly to the local community. Evenings are filled with fun activities, powerful worship and teaching, and discipleship groups. It is a life-changing experience.
In addition to these programs, each of the four area deaneries have youth programs designed to walk alongside students as they seek Jesus. For more information or to get help finding a youth group in your area, please contact the Venerable Dr. Jessica Jones, Archdeacon.