As part of the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the Gulf Atlantic Diocese is creating and facilitating peer-to-peer networks based on ministry roles and strategic topic. These networks will help us to create a unified culture of shared wisdom intended to strengthen our diocesan and parish ministry together. The networks are launching in two phases: the first by ministry role, the second by topic. These networks will be empowered to influence the Synod and shape diocesan life.
Positional Networks
Church Admin
Facilitator: Jen Crews
Open to church staff or volunteers directly involved in the administration of the parish.
Meeting monthly.
Church Comms
Facilitator: Canon Sam Horowitz
Open to all those, staff or volunteer, with a role in church communications (e.g. Sunday bulletins, church website, social media, newsletter).
Meeting every 6-8 weeks.
Church Finance
Facilitators: Chris McCarthy & Dennis Kelemen
Open to the Treasurers and Financial Administrators of Gulf Atlantic Diocese churches.
Meeting quarterly.
Senior Wardens
Facilitator: TBD
For all senior wardens.
Meeting quarterly.
Youth Leaders
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Christopher Jones
Open to those leading youth ministry in a congregation.
Just launched.
Family/Next Gen Ministry
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Christopher Jones
For those responsible for family ministry in congregations.
Just launched.
Topical Networks
Prayer Ministers
Facilitator: The Rev. Luke Memminger
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Bill Krizner
Launching now — contact Canon Bill for details.
Anglican Campus Fellowship
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Christopher Jones
Open to those interested in building ministry to college campuses from our parishes.
Just launched.
Spiritual Direction
Facilitator: The Rev. Craig Brown
Open to people who are interested in the ministry of spiritual direction in the Diocese. This is especially for people who practice spiritual direction already, and anyone who might feel a call toward the ministry of spiritual direction.
Church Music
Coming soon.
Facilitator: The Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Petty
Open to trained theologians in the Diocese, at the invitation of the Bishop.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Coming soon.
Women's Ministry
Coming soon.